2024 Pack 148 Pinewood Derby Information


 We are excited about the upcoming Pinewood Derby for Pack 148. Please read the information about the 2024 Pack 148 Pinewood derby that will be on January 27th, 2024.

Pinewood Derby Rules - This document has all the rules for the 2024 Pack 148 Pinewood Derby.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We are still seeking volunteers for weigh-ins (assist with any car fixes/changes, Runner to place cars inside the building, and Track setup) and the day of the race (Car runners, Starter, and technical assistance for zoom/video equipment). You can sign up on SignUp Genius for available slots. If you have any questions about volunteer opportunities, please reach out to Nick Goessl at DAGoessl@gmail.com.

Weigh-in’s - All cars have to be weighed in on Friday January 26th, 2024. Times are setup up by Den’s. Please make sure you arrive during your window. We will take a photo of your Scout and their car during drop off. We will have a pit area to repair or to get your pinewood derby car to weight (max weight is 5.0 oz).

6:00 PM - Lion’s and Tigers

6:30 PM - Wolf

7:00 PM - Bears

7:30 PM - Webelos

8:00 PM - AOL

Day of the Derby - This event will be in person and we will also have a live stream at the same time. All the links will be posted here, facebook, and via Scoutbook. The preliminary schedule for January 27th, 2024 is as follows (This is subject to change):

9:00 AM - AOL’s

9:20 AM - Webelos

9:40 AM - Bears

10:00 AM - Wolves

10:20 AM - Tigers

10:40 AM - Lions

10:50 AM - Oulaw Race (Sibling and Adults)

11:00 AM - Championship Race

11:15 AM - Awards

Pack 148 Youtube channel for live streaming: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu2NpFPCtLuAHzxCrBgQMzQ

If you have any question, please reach out to Nick Goessl at DAGoessl@gmail.com.